Saturday, May 1, 2010


yo homies.

Not too much is happening! This week is my last week of my real job, then I go back to delivering pizza for 10 hours a week. Delivering pizzas is pretty fun. I will definitely write a post chronicling some of my strange/cool experiences. Someday...

today is Sunday, which (for the past 9 weeks) has been the only day I get off each week. Eric is at work, no one else is home, and I lay in bed for hours and usually cook something up fancy.

Unfortunately today is an on day (500 calories for me) which sort of takes the joy out of cooking. Sushi is pretty wonderful though... last on day, I made one with tuna, avocado, spring onions, and lettuce. It was delicious, filling, and only ~300 calories for the entire roll.
I've been progressing only slowly with this alternate day diet-- I got sick halfway through April and decided it was probably best for my body if I gave it the amount of calories it needs, which was good because I got better quickly, though at the expense of my strict adherence. Worth it. And even so, I've returned to the stage and am doing pretty good overall. I do have one weakness -- and an expensive one at that. It is Sal's Pizza and it is the most delicious pizza I have ever had. Ever. I've only tried the pepperoni... I want to try sausage and meatball, but the pepperoni is just so good that I think it will take a while for me to be adventurous. Especially since it's $28 per pizza... which really isn't bad when you consider that two pieces stuffs you for dinner, and one piece is more than adequate for lunch. We've only had it two times, but we want it every day.

Yesterday I was craving pizza rolls, which they don't sell here but also are really salty and bad for you anyway. So I went to the store and bought some egg roll wraps and some clearance tomatoes... it was around 1 kg of tomatoes for 99 cents, because they were about to go off. I love a good bargain. I made a yummy marinara sauce, and we already had some salami and mozzarella... so I made some pizza rolls in the oven, but they were very bland and kind of sucked. I think it was partly because the mozzarella we have is particularly tasteless and uninteresting, but I'm not sure how else to spice it up. DISAPPOINTMENT.
I also tried making garlic knots from a recipe I stumbled onto but I failed to note there is a difference between instant yeast and active yeast, so that didn't work out.

Despite all my failings and cookings and current sedentary lifestyle, here are my new stats:

Alternate Day Diet Week 4ish:
Sunday, 2/5/10.
Weight: 98.1 kgs

not too shabby for four weeks of partial dieting, and literally no effort to exercise. I'm excited for the next few weeks, when I'll be exercising regularly and hopefully maintaining my diet.. guess we'll see how it goes. :D

Anyway, now I'm off to create a salad royale.